Austin Stone

When I started Tactical Approach Outdoors I had this vision of helping fellow deer hunters achieve consistent success on mature whitetail bucks, helping them better understand these amazing animals. There is so much information out there available to us and yet I continued to see that most of the information never dove deep into "why" it worked. It's easy to tell people where to set up, what products to use, how to use them and other details about being a successful deer hunter, but a lot of that information was still missing WHY you do what they were telling you to do and WHY it works. That gap was exactly what I wanted to help fill!

All of my deer hunting throughout the years has been on highly pressured public land. During that time, I have developed a process for consistently finding, hunting and harvesting mature bucks, no matter what state I travel to. I believe that if you refine your process well enough and work hard enough that you can purposefully harvest big mature bucks on a regular basis, on purpose and by design.

This experience that I have on pressured ground has allowed me to bring a new perspective and hunting approach to my client properties! Not only understanding the basic deer needs for survival, but also understanding their behavior towards overall activity on property has not only opened a lot of eyes but has led to significant client success.

My Approach

By simply changing how you APPROACH the hunt, whether it be on your own personal private land, a lease or public land, you can increase your success rates on mature bucks this next season!

Develop a plan

One of the biggest keys to my success has been working harder than everyone else during the off season, creating an incredibly detailed plan for the next season. Putting together an inventory of stand locations, properties and locating multiple mature bucks. Figuring out where the deer feel safe and WHY they feel safe in that specific location.

hunt smarter than the next guy

Hunting public land the way I do, I can plan on having to deal with other deer hunters, no matter where I’m at on the property. They will walk through my spots and possibly hunt nearby. But, there is a reason that the deer are where they are, it’s because they feel safe, they can detect danger at a distance and easily escape. Which means that I need to have a better access, scent control, attention to the wind, stand location, woodsmanship and overall better attention to detail in order to get an opportunity on these mature bucks that other deer hunters may never even see.