Whitetail consulting

Work with Tactical Approach Outdoors

  • Whitetail Consulting

    Having an in-depth plan for whitetail hunting and habitat improvements on your property will lead to immediate and long lasting success.

  • Deer Hunter Academy

    Bridging the education gap with a “real world” approach to deer hunting for beginning hunters and advanced hunters alike.

  • Whitetail Workshops

    In-depth learning experience for deer hunters of all skill levels. Have the opportunity to learn proven techniques hands on, with fellow like minded deer hunters.

Austin Stone deer hunter mentor and whitetail consultant.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the biggest mistake you see private land owners make?

One of the biggest mistakes that I see made is when landowners continue hunting the same tree stand or blind year in and year out. The deer have grown accustomed to the stand location and have shifted their patterns, as well as learned to wind check this location on a regular basis. This is why they will see the big bucks on camera, but not see them in person, these mature bucks have the hunting pressure patterned.

What is the key to consistent success on mature bucks?

The key to consistent success is having a well thought out deer hunting plan, being very prepared going into the season and keeping an open mind. Staying mobile and not getting married to a specific stand location. Find the fresh sign and hunt it very strategically.

can I still shoot mature bucks on small acreage or pressured properties?

Absolutely you can! You’re success comes down to having a well thought out deer hunting plan, basically you need to hunt smarter than your neighbors and other deer hunters in your area. Make your property and your stand locations the safe place for the deer herd and you’ll see an increased success on mature bucks in areas that other deer hunters are not.

Why would someone want to hire a deer hunting consultant?

There are many reasons! One would be that they're a new hunter and didn't grow up deer hunting like most of us have. Another would be that they're a new property owner and want to make sure that they're managing and hunting their property correctly and efficiently from the get go. Another would be that they're wanting a full management and hunting plan to increase herd health, antler size and an increase in their overall success rate on property. Finally they're an out of state property owner or have a physical handicap. This service goes far beyond just scouting a property, it's creating an entire management and hunting plan to help folks be more efficient on their property and have a full understanding about the "why" behind every decision. That way they're the ones shooting the big bucks and not the neighbors.

What if i don’t have the ability to make major habiat improvements? Can i still see success with mature bucks?

Absolutely you can! You don’t have to make major improvements to increase your daylight movement and overall deer hunting success. You can hunt your property as it is if you choose or add specific, small habitat improvements that will lower herd stress, create safety and entice mature bucks to spend more time on your property.

Tactical Approach Outdoors client with his biggest buck to date.

Cody’s testimony

“Austin and I first met at the shooting range, and we immediately became friends. Without any expectations, he was quick to help, give tips, and provide advice. I had been a rifle hunter over the last few decades and borrowed a crossbow from my brother-in-law to start hunting public land during archery season. Every step of the way, every question I had, Austin had the answer. A lot of times my first reaction would be surprise, and I would have doubt, but then would learn he was always right. He never steered me wrong, or gave me any reason to doubt his expertise and experience. I was able to harvest a really nice 10 point buck my first season with my crossbow, and a nice eight point buck and a doe my second season with my bow. Without Austin’s guidance, I doubt I would’ve had anywhere near that much success. To any one looking for a mentor who can help them as as they develop as a bow hunter, I highly recommend Austin at Tactical Approach Outdoors”


Austin with Tactical Approach Outdoors is top notch! He offers very informative and educational services for on site consulting as well as videos and more online. Highly recommend the services TAO offers!


Attended one of his whitetail workshops! Austin definitely knows his stuff, I’ve been chasing whitetail for 19yrs and I came away with many new tactics and strategies to improve my upcoming season.